Thursday, February 26, 2009

Getting Back in the Scrappy Groove

I am finally getting my mojo back a little when it comes to scrapping. I am getting ready to place a gigantic order from since they are having a sale, based on the amount you spend you can save anywhere from 10%-40% on your order! I am looking forward to try some of the metallic pictures they offer...I have the best waterfall pictures from Gatlinburg I would like to have printed that way! I will update with my review when I get them. I haven't placed a photo order since the beginning of Feb. 2008, so a photo order is long overdue. I think getting some new photos to work with will kick my scrapbooking into full gear again.

With this order, I'm doing things a little different. Instead of ordering straight 4x6 pictures, I'm trying to plan some pages in advance to mix up the sizes some. I would rather just order some 3x3, 4x4, 5x7..whatever size I need instead of trying to crop a 4x6 into that size later. We will see how this goes and if I like it, then I will continue to plan my pages in advance and order the photos this way!

In my uploading, I found some more pics of older pages I've made that I haven't posted here enjoy!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Still Recovering from the Weekend!

This weekend was a busy one! It seems like the busy weekends fly by...without nearly enough time to relax from the hectic week. Friday Drew got off work late. Apparently his group is swamped and so he has to stay until things get finished, so instead of leaving work at 2:30, he didn't leave until almost 4! By the time he got home, it was time to cook dinner and start tackling the remaining cleaning/unpacking of the house. We cleaned and moved things for a little while and I was just exhausted so we quit for the night. Of course, that meant there was a lot of work left for Saturday.

We spent most of the morning and afternoon getting things in order. It was a ton of work, but our house looks awesome now! I will have to take some pics and put up, I would love to scrap them now that the house is tidy! By the time we finished cleaning, it was time to start dinner. Of course, we needed extra crescent rolls so Drew went to the store while I cooked...I didn't realize until he was already through at the store that we also needed sloppy joe seasoning. Luckily, he wasn't too far from the store so he was able to turn around and get it for me.

Just our luck, a little before 6 when Lindsey and Travis were supposed to be at our house, she called to see if Travis's sister could tag along. Apparently she came into town and asked if she could go so she didn't have to stay home alone. We agreed and she came along. We had a fun night eating dinner and dessert (ice cream with brownie batter on top...which was an accident. Lindsey brought the brownies and told us just to keep them warm in the oven, we didn't realize they weren't baked yet and an hour and a half in the oven at 170 doesn't bake them, so they weren't finished by the time it was time to eat dessert!). We also played Phase 10, but unfortunately didn't get to finish the entire game before they had to leave to go meet some other friends who were coming in from out of town. Hopefully next time we can have longer to play games and be able to play more than 1 game!

After they left, we took Elf out on a walk. As we were coming back into the house, the neighbors spotted us and came over to talk. We spent about an hour and a half outside meeting and talking to a bunch of our neighbors. Apparently, they are all married and close to our age and they get together to hang out every weekend and cook out a bunch during the summer. We got invited to come hang out with them, but it was already almost 11 and I was exhausted from working around the house all day, so we passed.

Sunday we went grocery shopping. We went to Costco and stocked up on some stuff and then hit the HEB since they were having a major meat sale...ground beef, bone-in chicken breasts, and shank ham all for $1 a pound. We stocked up on meat and hopefully have enough for at least the next month. I've been cooking more, which is good. My goal is to cut our eating out to only 2x a month instead of 1-2x a week like we were. All the extra money we can save now with the baby on the way will help!

I guess that's the highlights of our weekend. This week has been rather boring so far. Drew worked late again last night but that's about it.

Since I'm trying to upload all my layouts, here are some older ones:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Such a long time...

Gee, obviously the resolution from my previous blog post didn't happen! I really don't remember all the time that I even have a blog and it gets neglected, as you can tell. I'm guessing no one reads it anyway since it's so sporadic with my posts, but I am going to try to do better! I can't believe it's almost been a year since I last much changes!

As of right now, I am 15 1/2 weeks pregnant with our first baby! Drew and I are excited and can't wait till August to meet him/her. In the mean time, we moved into our first house in December. We're still settling in and need to hang things on our walls. We have plenty of extra space to grow into now, much better than our 750 sq. ft apartment we were cramped into. We are now living in 2700 sq. feet with 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a huge kitchen that I love, a breakfast room, formal dining room (that is actually being used as my scrapbook room), living room, and game room.

I am very excited to have a scrapbook room now...although it is still sparsely furnished. I really want an Ikea Expedit shelf, but the one I want is $200 and I am too cheap to buy it since we have so much other furniture we need to buy first. So I got some of the sterilite containers and a cheap bookcase from Wal-Mart and have everything organized in there for now. It serves it's purpose so I can't complain. Now if only I could get back into the swing of scrapping!

I haven't completed any projects since before November and I now have the itch to create again so hopefully I can turn that around soon! But for now, I will upload some of my older projects. My goal is to eventually upload all of the LOs I have on my computer so at least I have a backup copy of them if something were to happen to the originals!

These LOs are from my stint as a Guest Designer over at Scrapdango: