Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Almost 2 years....

A lot can change in 2 years! I can't believe it has been that long since I have posted anything on this blog! I always say I am going to try to be a better blogger and update more often, but the more I say it, the worse it gets!

Can you believe it is December already? I can't! Where has the year gone? So much has happened this year, hopefully I can get some of it scrapbooked before I forget it all! My goal for the month of December is to complete a December Daily album (although I know it will not be finished until after the first of the year, so I plan to keep up with what pictures I will be using for it and the journaling and then compile it all come January).

It has been a crazy December already! Jennie and David came to town to visit and were staying with us since Friday. They left this morning. As much as I love company, it is always nice to get back to normal when they go home! Andrew is exhausted as we have been busy, busy, busy all weekend long!

Friday we went to the Christmas tree lighting at the Town Center. They had some technical difficulties that delayed the tree lighting. It was supposed to start at 7, but they postponed it until 7:30. Finally around 8 or so, they got the tree lit (apparently they lost power for a little while, not good when you are trying to light a Christmas tree!). While we were waiting, we took Andrew to play in the "snow." The past 2 years, it has actually snowed in Houston. Last year, Andrew was barely 4 months old when it snowed! Because it is such a rarity around here, we bundled him up and to the park we went to take pictures. He was not so sure about the cold and having to wear his "parka" and most of the pictures have him screaming. This year was totally different. He is walking now so he was walking in the snow and decided after a couple of minutes that he was interested in playing with it. His extent of playing was throwing the snow back down to the ground, but he enjoyed himself and we got some cute pictures. He looked like he was starting to get cold, so I took him out of the snow and he screamed! Apparently he was enjoying it more than I realized. Luckily, he is still easily distract-able and he forgot all about it in about 5 minutes. We also got some pictures made with Rudolph and Frosty, although it was difficult to get the time with them since every time I tried to catch them, they turned the other direction and started greeting the kids there! They needed a single line to meet and greet them instead of having them wander around! But we got pictures and had a fun night!

Saturday, we went to the high school football game. There were 41,000 people at the game...that is insane! Drew and David enjoyed it, but it was hot. It was about 80 degrees out there and we were sitting in the sun. After the game, we went to Wal-Mart to get some odds and ends. Then we headed home and cooked dinner. Unfortunately, I forgot all about the Christmas parade! So we wound up just hanging out at home and played some board games.

Sunday, we went to Dickens on the Strand. Although I have wanted to go for a couple years, we were rushed for time and missed a lot of the activities so I didn't have as much fun as I had hoped. In the future, if I were going to go, I would choose to go on Saturday as they are open later (till 8:30) and I would definitely get there earlier in the day. We didn't decide we were going until 10 am and it takes Jennie way too long to get ready to go anywhere, so we didn't make it to Galveston until about 12. Then they wanted to eat at a restaurant inside instead of at one of the food stands outside, so we wasted another hour or so. By the time we finally got ready to enjoy the festival, it was 2:00 and they closed at 5:30. We did watch the Queen's parade (and Andrew got a British flag from one of the ladies in the parade). We watched some comedian jugglers and some other street performers. Andrew went into the petting zoo. And that's about all we had time for. By the end of the day, I was just frustrated and ready for some me and Drew time.

Monday was a relaxing day at home. Then we went out for dinner at the Mexican place and to the Monday Madness special at the bowling, golf, billiards, laser tag place. We played a lot of the arcade games, golf, and laser tag and bowled. It was more fun than Drew anticipated, even with us not being able to play laser tag together since we had to rotate watching Andrew. We got home around midnight. And Drew had to work today!

Now, I am just enjoying the quietness of the house while Andrew naps. I am hoping to make it up to my scrapbooking room in a few minutes to work some more on my Christmas gifts! Hopefully I can make some good progress since Christmas is in 2.5 weeks!